From left to right, Law and Order Chairman Jim O'Neill (PC), North Merrick Cheif Ronald Higgins, Law and Order Honoeee Firefighter Patrick Wright and Law and Order Co-Chairman Larry Levy at the Law & Order Day Ceremony on 3/26/2023.
Swearing in of Post Officers for the 2023_2024 American Legion fiscal year on May 9, 2023.
Post Members at the BP gas station promotion for the month of May 2023, for veteran causes.
Chattern School Field of Honor 2023
From left to right, Post members: Jim O'Neill (PC), Larry Levy, Joe Ambrosino and Robert Dishaman at the North Merrick Field of Flags at the Harold D. Fayette Elementary School on May 18, 2023.
Boy Scouts and Volunteers helping with the setup of barricades at the start and end of the parade route for Memorial Day 2022. Pictured are boy scouts and volunteers with Commander Bob Dishman (second from right) at the Merrick's Veteran Memorial Park on 5_29_2022.
Group picture of Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion members with community activist David Deneberg (second from right) at the Merrick's Veteran Memorial Park on 5_30_2022.
In the picture, Boys State delegates for 2022 with Boy State Chairman Frank Pedagno (middle). The Boys State delegates spoke to the Post members on 8_9_2022 about their experiences at Boys State.
From left to right, Merrick Post #1282, American Legion Post members: Harry Gribbin, Jim O’Neill (PC), Robert Dishman, Jack Murphy (PC) and Joe Ambrosino attended the 2022-2023 Nassau County American Legion Family Testimonial Dinner and Dance held at the Edward Welch Jr. Post # 1132 in Seaford, New York on September 15, 2022.
Post members with Pat Tuosto (owner/proprietor of Pat's Farms Garden Center) during the Grand Opening of the Pat's Farms Garden Center. Post members helped raise the American Flag during this event, which was held on 9/28/2022.
Post members at the Merrick Street fair on 10/22/2022. Post members gave out American Flags and Post Pens to the public during this two day event (10/22/2022 and 10/23/2022).
Post Chaplain Jim O'Neill (PC) giving the invocation at the podium during the Veteran Day ceremony 2022.
Merrick_Freeport VFW No. 1310 members and Boy Scout Troop No. 351 members saluting during the playing of Taps at the Veterans Day ceremony 2022.
Post and Auxiliary members in a group picture with Town of Hempstead Clerk Kate Murray (center) at the Merrick’s Veteran Memorial Park for Veterans Day 2022.

Merrick Post No. 1282
American Legion
160 West Merrick Road
Merrick, New York 11566


 Welcome to our website

Dear Internet user, welcome to the Merrick Post 1282, American Legion website, you have landed on our home page. We are a non-profit organization that deals with Veteran issues in our community. Please check out the other pages on our website and put a link to us on your website if you like us. Are you a veteran? Do you have a friend or relative who is a veteran? Please consider joining our Post. See our Membership Eligibility Details to see if you are eligible to join the American Legion and our Post Meetings schedule for meeting times at our Post.

What it means to you to be a Legionnaire


The card which you hold in The American Legion is a sacred heritage; Your inherent right to its possession was achieved when you offered our life in the services of your Country.

The American Legion is unique in that you cannot be born into it. Neither a King by edict, A Dictator by Command, Nor a President by Proclamation can demand admission. A Man with millions cannot purchase a right to membership.

The right to membership is a sacred privilege which belongs to you, and you alone... Rich or poor, regardless of race, color or creed. Cherish at all times that bit of pasteboard which you so proudly carry, let no influence or circumstance interrupt your continuity of service in the Legion, whose doors swing open to you because of your faithful service to our country.

The legion knows no predecessor... It can have no successor, and when the last comrade entitled to wear its insignia shall have been called to his or her eternal rest by the great Commander, The American Legion will be no more, its traditions, it achievements and the spirit of service to which it was dedicated will live forever as a lasting tribute and memorial to you, as a member of an organization that has fought to preserve the principles of justice, freedom and Democracy.

Post Meetings


Post Members meet every 2nd Tuesday of the Month.

The Post Executive Meeting starts at 7:45 p.m.

The Post General Membership Meeting starts around 8:00 p.m.

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.