Boys State 2024
Here is a photo of myself with the recepients we sponsored this year for our Boys State program. They are left to right, Alex Birdie, Jack Gavanoudias and Michael Jerozal. These young men are all students at Calhoun High and were selected based on outstanding scholarship, community involvement and leadership. Boys State is a program that has been run by the American Legion for over50 years. Nassau county sends about 50 young men to SUNY Morrisville for a week long experience meant to teach young men about how government works and how they can become outstanding citizens. There are about 1000 young men participating from New York State. The program is supervised by active duty marines. Merrick Post 1282 have been sponsoring young men to Boys State for many years and we work closely with the Calhoun Guidance department to select outstanding young men. Some alumni of Boys state programs are Colin Powell, Bill Clinton, George Pataki, Bruce Springsteen and Michael Moore. We are very proud of the program and our ability to help develop young men. We have been told by college recruiters that Boys State participation is a differentiator on a college resume. If you have any questions, I would be happy to provide additional information.
Frank Pedagno, Second Vice Commander
Thank You!!!
Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, members would like to thank all the organizations and merrick residents who participated in the Merrick's Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony 2024.
In Memoriam - Angelo V. Anatra
Angelo V. Anatra |
September 30, 1927 to April 14, 2024 |
On Sunday, April 14, 2024, Post Member, Angelo V. Anatra, passed away and reported to Post Everlasting. Angelo Anatra was know as "Jim Anatra" at our Post. Jim held a number of officer postions at our Post. He organized a number of parties and events at our Post. He helped in the organization of our Post kitchen area and he helped out in numerous construction projects at our Post. He was in charge of our "Movie Night" at the Post and when he wanted be to play a tape, he said to me "Mr. DeMille" please play the tape", that was Jim Anatra in a nutshell, a personable human being with a gruff personality. He was a valuable asset to our Post and will be greatly missed.
American Legion, Merrick Post No.1282 members, please gather at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, April 19, 2024, at N. F. Walkers funeral home on located at 2039 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, New York, for an American Legion solemn ceremony at 10:30 a.m. for Post member Angelo V. Anatra.
Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion members, please gather, in full dress, at 11:00 a.m. at the Sacred Heart, Roman Catholic Church, 720 Merrick Ave, North Merrick, NY 11566 for an 11:30 a.m. Funeral Mass for Post Member Angelo V. Anatra, on Friday, Friday, April 19, 2024.
The following is information from N. F. Walkers Funeral Home:
Read more: In Memoriam - Angelo V. Anatra
Outline for Merrick's Memorial Day Ceremony 2024