American Legion Auxiliary Membership
Membership is a very important part of the Auxiliary. When we began our Unit six years ago we had eleven members. I'm proud to say we now have forty-seven members. We are all working hard at increasing our membership because that enables us to do more for our Veterans, Military, Children and Youth and the Community.
We received 100% of our membership quota by October 1, 2013. This made us eligible for a Foundation Day Award from the Department of New York. We were granted the Foundation Day Award of $100.00.
This was accomplished by all of our members who submitted their dues so timely and also brought in new members. We now have 109% of our Membership Goal this year and we hope to keep it growing.
If you would like any information about Membership please call 516-208-5253 and I'll be happy to answer any questions.
Sharon Williams
ALA Treasurer and Membership Chairman