Membership Renewal Letter for the 2019 membership year.
Dear Reader, the following correspondence is from Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, Membership Chairman Bob Dishman, concerning the 2019 Membership Card.
2019 Membership Year
Dear Member,
Thank you for your continued support by renewing your membership for the 2019 Year. Please find your new membership card enclosed. Thirty four of your thirty five dollar dues are sent to The American Legion, Department of New York, of which $1.50 is allocated to the County per capita.
The American Legion was charted by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veteran’s organization making this the 100th YEAR OF OPERATING. Focusing on service to veterans, service-members and communities, the Legion has evolved into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Over the years, the Legion has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for children and youth.
Our own Post No. 1282 is very active in supporting veterans, active military, and our community, and offers many opportunities in which your expertise might fit.
AUGUST - BBQ for the Veterans from the NY State Nursing Home in Stony Brook and the VA Northport-Veterans.
SEPTEMBER - Merrick Street Fair fund raising to assist Veterans
NOVEMBER - Veterans Day Ceremony; Wrapping/shipping packages to US Military.
DECEMBER - Holiday visit to the Northport VA; Members Holiday Party
FEBRUARY - Four Chaplains Service; Auxiliary Valentines’ Appreciation Party.
MARCH - Members St. Patrick’s Day party.
APRIL - Law and Order Ceremony awarding certificates to Police and Fire personnel.
MAY - Weekend and Jones Beach Air Show fund raising to assist Veterans; Merricks’ Memorial Day Parade.
JUNE - Scholarship Awards; Boys State Program; Citizenship Awards.
JULY - Members and friends DUCK’s baseball game.
Our Post is very grateful and fortunate to have a dedicated and active Auxiliary that assists us with our endeavors and the valuable contributions they make for veterans.
Merrick Post No. 1282 meets the 4th Monday of each month at 7:45 p.m.
Robert Dishman
1st Vice Commander
Merrick Post No. 1282
American Legion