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Nassau County American Legion Family Dinner Dance 2022
Thursday, September 15, 2022, 06:30pm - 11:00pm
Hits : 219
by yxvamros
Contact Joseph T. Ambrosino

Dear Merrick Post 1282 Legionnaires

On Thursday evening, September 15, 2022, the Nassau County American Legion Family will be honoring the Department Commander, the Department Auxiliary President, and the Department Detachment Commander with a Testimonial Dinner and Dance. This Testimonial Dinner will be our way of showing that Nassau County is the Empire County of the Empire State.

The Testimonial Dinner and Dance will take place at the Edwin Welch, Jr. Post 1132 located at 2301 Penatiquit Avenue, Seaford, NY 11783. Festivities will begin at 6:30 PM and conclude at 11:00 PM. There will be a buffet dinner, including beer, wine, soda and cake and coffee. A CASH BAR for liquor will be available. Music by our own John Weber will be available for your listening and dancing pleasure. MAXIMUM amount of EIGHT (8) people per table.

The donation to this affair is $60.00 per person. As usual, Merrick post 1282 will pay half of this amount, $30.00 for each Post member and their spouse who attends.

To get this discount, your dues must be current! Please make your checks payable to Merrick Post 1282, American Legion for $30.00 per member, or $60.00 per member and spouse, and send them to our Post before August 28, 2022.

This affair is usually well attended and most people have a GREAT TIME!

Note: Just in - The post will pay half of the $60.00 entry fee for this event for any Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282 Auxiliary member. This means that the Auxiliary Merrick Unit 1282 Auxiliary member fee for this event is $30.00. If an auxiliary members' husband wants to go to this event and is not a Post member, they have to pay the full $60.00. Please make your checks payable to Merrick Post 1282, American Legion for $30.00 per auxiliary member and send them to our Post before August 28, 2022. Courtesy of the Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion members.

Location Edwin Welch, Jr. Post 1132 located at 2301 Penatiquit Avenue, Seaford, NY 11783
Post Phone #: 516-521-6989